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Warren Anderson

Updated: Dec 29, 2021

Happy Friday!! This being the end of a holiday week, I know that there was more work to perform and less time to complete them (lol).

With many companies and municipalities furloughing and or laying offs much of their workforce (United Airlines 16,000 ; NYC To Furlough EMS Workers) due in part to the global COVID-19 epidemic, caused concerns of having a healthily labor force to complete companies day-to-day duties.

The COVID-19 epidemic is in addition stumbling block to the normal leave administration that transpires within a company. Not only does the leave administrator need to stay in contact with employees, vendors, and doctor’s offices to ensure FMLA documents are completed and returned, the HRIS database should be updated with the correct employment status, notifying all Third Party Administrator (TPA) the employee’s length of service, job title, salary information, etc., but now it is done remotely while trying to access the company’s network. This can be nerve racking!

Excel Employee Leave Tracker can be the solution your team is looking for! With data extracted from your HRIS on a semi-monthly basis (or sooner if needed), the time spent attempting to accessing multiple portals with time-out protocols, will be greatly cut if not eliminated. All required employee data will be available once the employee’s name is typed in. Partial name recognition has been implemented as well.

We have also designed companion templets to assist with companies internal leave processes. The Payroll Change report will automatically be completed with employee’s information once all required information has been entered on the Leave Template. Company’s Leave Administrators will no longer need to calculate 100% Pay Deductions Stops for both benefits enrolled and payroll purposes. Another feature is the Actions to Take field to simplify steps that the Payroll Department should take.

The best part is that the cost of Excel Employee Leave Tracker is significantly less than other leave administration tools because of the usage of Microsoft Excel, Word, software that most leave departments currently using today. Plus, with our advance but simple approach to performing most task, there will be a very short learning curve to use our products. If there is a need to contact us, we will be available to assistant to get your team back working within no time.

Contact us if you would like to schedule a demonstration to fully understand how we can help your team manage your internal leave during these difficult times.

Stay Safe!!

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