Excel Employee Leave Tracker Will Save Your Company...
...both time and money by utilizing the latest Excel functions, macros, visual basic for applications and formulas to automate employee’s information and leave details. Our customizable templates utilizes client’s existing HRIS export files, and vendor reports* to provide an accurate enrollment and record keeping process. With smart drop-down menus, pop-up reminders along with managerial charts / graphic, and analytical pivot tables, your leave team will be able to stay ahead of your company’s needs!
*TPA format may include CSV, PDF, Excel.
Excel Employee Leave Tracker
We would love to demonstrate how Excel Employee Leave Tracker works with your company’s existing HRIS data to provide your leave administration team with instant information regarding your employee’s records. With Excel Employer Leave Tracker, your leave team will reduce the need for multiple open databases, miscalculation of leave to start /end dates with an easy-to-use template. Employer Tracker will provide reminder pop-ups to inform your team of employee’s pending return dates and along with Manager Reports via Pivot Tables and an interactive Dashboard at your team’s fingertips.
Ask Us About Special Projects We Can Do For You
Time is the one of most valuable asset HR Managers have so few of, and projects that need special attention and consumes a lot of time. Let Excel Employee Tracker assist with updating Premium Rates, adding dynamic functions and Open Enrollment Projects,

Visual Graphics
With our Graphic Dashboards, your team and managers will be able to visualize your employees leave, track utilization of specific leave benefits, and assist with future enhancements of leave designs to ensure strong employee retention.
Reports & Analytics
Want to have a comprehensive report? No Problem! Need to track employees in multiple states that have their own State Paid / Unpaid Leave laws? We've got It! Have problems calculating eligibility days for concurrent leave programs (i.e. STD & FMLA)? We can do that too!! Let us show you how we can save your company time and money and increase employees' satisfaction in your leave process!